FSBO Property Listings

Browse SurvivalRealty.com’s exclusive collection of for sale by owner property listings. All these properties are offered by the property owner. Please use provided contact information with each listing for your inquiries.

Why do people opt to sell their homestead or retreat by owner? Why would you consider buying a for sale by owner property? It may be that a unique listing not suitable for a real estate agent, or to reduce the fees and overhead involved in the transaction, or from a do-it-yourself mindset.

In any case, we suggest consulting with a professional in your area, whether a real estate broker, attorney, or title company, for guidance through the process and to address any concerns.

As the buyer or seller, you’re the closest to the transaction, and have a greatest stake in its success. If you want to walk through the process step-by-step, and aren’t afraid to do the extra work when purchasing your survival property or off-grid home, buying a FSBO property may be the right fit for you.

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