Homestead Property Listings

Find your homestead property at Survival Realty. An exclusive marketplace of self-sufficient properties ranging from intensive permaculture to hobby farms, across the United States.

What might you be looking for in a homestead property?

  • A mild climate, suitable for growing perennials and not too hard on livestock
  • Consistent rainfall, to minimize irrigation needs
  • Fertile soil, for best productivity
  • Minimal local regulations on domestic livestock, no HOA or restrictive covenants that would prohibit homesteading activities
  • Enough usable acreage for your intended projects
  • A good water source–a productive well or spring, or irrigation water rights.
  • Minimal presence of noxious weeds or invasive species such as kudzu, knapweed, or yellow star thistle.
  • An environment that you will love to work outdoors in daily.
  • Clean air and water, with minimal pollution.
  • A ready market for your crops–whether local traffic for a roadside stand, farmers markets, or farm-to-table restaurants.
  • A self-reliant and agricultural community, where you can find neighbors and friends with a similar passion for homesteading.

There’s no substitute for getting out on the land and seeing it up close. Take your time to note what plants are growing, what birds and animals are present, and indications of how water falls and flows through the property.

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